Assistant Broker
Office: 540-603-5483
Cell: 571-238-6712
2302 Emancipation Hwy, Suite B
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
I started my professional life as an Industrial Engineer, and graduated from Del Valle University in Cali, Colombia. While I was in College, and many years after that, I practiced Martial Arts. These two disciplines built my character and gave me the drive I have in my professional life. They also taught me the importance of honesty, communication, respect, and solidarity. I get great satisfaction helping my Clients and Agents with their Real Estate transactions with the principal that we always work for the best interest of our Clients with no exceptions. I have been married for 35 years, and we have two wonderful kids. My daughter is 27 years old, lives in Los Angeles, California and my son is 33 years old who lives in New York. My most recent passion is playing racquetball and I try to do this at least 3 times a week.